New House & Senate Compensation Proposals
John Putney
The House and Senate budget proposals are in committee of conference right now, which means appointed negotiators from each chamber are meeting to reconcile differences in their respective budgets and ultimately to reach an agreement on the budget. Employee compensation is a major issue within those negotiations. Conferees are:
Senate Budget Conferees
Janet D. Howell (D-District 32) Thomas K. Norment, Jr. (R-District 3) Emmett W. Hanger, Jr. (R-District 24) L. Louise Lucas (D-District 18) George L. Barker (D-District 39) R. Creigh Deeds (D-District 25) Mamie E. Locke (D-District 2) Richard L. Saslaw (D-District 35) (Advisor) Stephen D. Newman (R-District 23) |
House Budget Conferees
Luke E. Torian (D-Prince William) Mark D. Sickles (D-Arlington) Betsy B. Carr (D-Richmond) Roslyn C. Tyler (D-Sussex) David L. Bulova (D- Fairfax) Barry D. Knight (R-Virginia Beach) Terry L. Austin (R - Alleghany)
From the House of Delegates:
"As I am sure you know, when we adopted the budget at the 2020 regular session we had identified resources to provide a 3% salary increase for state employee, adjunct faculty and state supported local employees in the summer of 2021. Sadly, due to revenue uncertainties as a result of the pandemic, funding for this raise was eliminated during the veto session and it was not restored during the special session. However, I am thrilled to announce today that the Subcommittees recommendations not only restore the raise, but they actually include $168.2 million to increase the raise to 3.5%, taking effect this coming July. These recommendations, along with the recommendations of the Elementary & Secondary Education provide for more than $400.0 million in salary increases for our teachers, public safety personnel, state and university employees, and state supported local employees in the second year of the biennium. Given the dire revenue predictions we were facing last spring, this is truly great news."
From the state Senate:
"Employee Compensation ● State and State‐supported Local Employees ‐ Authorizes $118.1 million GF in FY 2022 for a three percent salary increase for state employees, including adjunct faculty at two‐year and four‐year higher education institutions, and state‐supported local employees to be provided on September 1, 2021, contingent on FY 2021 year‐end revenues meeting or exceeding the revenues assumed in the budget. ● Teachers ‐ In Item 145 (Direct Aid), provides $139.8 million GF the second year for a three percent salary adjustment for funded Standards of Quality instructional and support positions, effective August 1, 2021, contingent on sufficient revenues. ● Capitol Police ‐ Provides $846,907 GF in FY 2022 for a salary initiative for Capitol Police Officers and support staff positions."