Unified Potential Pursues Goal of Connected Community Through Standout Innovation
James Black
Specializing in the leveraging of technology to enable everyone in the Lynchburg region to make connections leading to the realization of genuine improvements in health, United Potential was created to design and implement programs that provide genuine benefit to all. These programs can be achieved by building functional connections that can be leveraged to enrich all aspects of life within the community.
To accomplish these goals, Unified Potential has launched a series of innovative initiatives, including MoveUp, Unified4kids, RacingUPward, Phlebotomy courses, and UP4air.
The first initiative, MoveUp, gives individuals all the transportation options they need through the convenience of a single app. The program facilitates the connection of drivers to their passengers, allows drivers to set their own fares and allows them to work in a volunteer mode where fares exclusively benefit community initiatives and gives businesses flexible options to set up their own transportation network as well as coordinate deliveries.
Secondly, Unified4Kids provides support for children and families fighting cancer. Endorsed by the American Cancer Society, U4K is the most comprehensive community program ever created, assuring that no one must face the difficult challenges brought about by cancer alone, including treatments. U4K provides comprehensive support for children and families fighting cancer, a communication system providing coordination between doctor and patient regardless of distance, and can connect families with any asset in the community that they need, including school, counseling, or transportation.
Also, Racing UPward is an innovative technology for young individuals to gain a window into the exciting world of motorsport but is simultaneously a platform for them to explore engineering, physics, mathematics, and even elements of art and storytelling. The program, which utilizes curriculum over the course of six weeks during the summer months, teaches the basics of how to operate a vehicle to highly advanced concepts, like aerodynamics, human physiology, and sports psychology, as well as leveraging marketing and brand placement techniques.
Additionally, United Potential’s Phlebotomy course is a free, downloadable course that instructs individuals to work in the one area of laboratory medicine that interacts with the lives of others in the community. The course re-imagines the phlebotomist’s career by training anyone with a high school diploma or above to be directly trained to interact with patients through knowledge of laboratory medicine, offers valuable scientific experience accessible even for beginners, and explains the role of phlebotomists as well as the environments in which they work.
Lastly, UP4air works to reduce the usage of vaping in schools through the development of a comprehensive system designed to reduce nicotine addiction. The program strives to connect with elementary students concerning the dangers of using vape products, connect elementary students to impressionable conversations with college students through a program called Vapor Lies, increasing the probability that youth won’t use those products, and by keeping the message simple so it’s easy for youth to understand.
For more information about Unified Potential, click HERE.
To contact Unified Potential, click HERE.