Ambassador Spotlight: Robert Pyle
Name: Robert Pyle
Organization & Job Title:Pyle Solutions, LLC, “Chief Solutionist” & Managing Member
How many years have you been with your organization? 6 years
What's your favorite part of your job? Helping our clients win!
What is your favorite part of being an Ambassador? Being a connector between members. Making new members and potential members feel welcome and included.
How has Alliance membership benefitted your business? I’ve been able to meet and build meaningful connections with people I wouldn’t have met otherwise.
What is your single best piece of advice to new members, so they can take full advantage of their membership? Become involved. Come to everything you can. Ask Ambassadors and Staff to introduce you to people you want to meet.
Do you have any advice for someone who is considering becoming an Alliance member? It’s not a passive thing. You only get out of it what you put into it. Someone in your organization should be active. Depending on your organization’s goals there are sponsorships, networking events, educational functions, and resources, to utilize.
Do you have a memorable experience while serving as an ambassador? Several. Being recognized by my peers as Ambassador of the year was one. Also the Ambassador Retreats were memorable. Helping a new member getting a successful start with their membership is very rewarding.
What is your favorite quote to live by and why? “You can change your life when you change your mind” - Jim Stovall. We are in complete control of our lives because we are in complete control of our thoughts. When we change our mindset we begin to change our lives that same moment.
What is one thing about yourself that others wouldn't necessarily know? I know something about competitive dance, gymnastics and figure skating. Having raised 3 competitive daughters and they each had their thing. I was the dad driving them to the competitions and helping with props and costumes.
What could you give a presentation on or talk about for hours without any preparation? Entrepreneurship and sales.
How else are you involved in the community? I’m very involved with my Church, having served as Treasurer and President of the Parish Council.
When I'm not at work I like to? Beach Trips! And horseback riding.
What is your go-to eating spot? Charleys, One Great Chicken Dinner.
What is your favorite item you've purchased this year? A helicopter tour of Kauai, HI.
What are you reading or listening to right now? Reading: “Unshakeable” by Jim Rohn, Listening to “Atlas Shrugged” by Ayn Rand on Audible.
Favorite vacay spot? Hawaii. It truly is a bit of paradise on earth.
What's a fun thing you like to do in the Lynchburg Region? Trail ride on horseback in the state and national forests, bike on the Blackwater creek trails.
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