Ambassador Spotlight: Seth Mullen
Name: Seth Mullen
Organization & Title: PROforma Think Ink - Business Development
How long have you been with your organization? 4 years
What is you favorite part of your job? Working with clients on ideas for their brand and seeing them excited for how we bring their brand to life on promotional materials and apparel.
What is your favorite part of being an Ambassador? Helping other businesses who are not members connect with the Alliance.
How has Alliance membership benefitted your business? My membership has benefited my business by allowing me to have a platform to tell people what I do and how I can help them.
What is your single best piece of advice to new members, so they can take full advantage of their membership? You get what you put in. If you're not an active member, start now.
Do you have any advice for someone who is considering becoming an Alliance member? Joining the Alliance is the easiest thing you can do for your business. Real assets at the Alliance are there to help your business grow.
Do you have a memorable experience while serving as an ambassador? Almost dying on Robert Goodman's jet ski at the Ambassador Retreat.
What is your favorite quote to live by and why? “I knew exactly what to do, but in a much more real sense, I had no idea what to do." - Michael Scott. WE always think we know what to do, but really we don't. It is part of our life experience in trying to figure things out.
What is one thing that others wouldn’t necessarily know? I have two holes in one in golf!
What could you give a presentation on or talk about for hours without any preparation? Anything golf related.
How else are you involved in the community? I serve on the Board of Directors of CASA of Central Virginia.
When I'm not at work I like to? Play golf.
What is your go-to eating spot? West Side Deli - French Dip!
What is your favorite item you've purchased this year? Odyssey Jailbird Putter.
What are you reading or listening to right now? Moses: A Life by Jonathan Kirsch
Favorite vacay spot? Myrtle Beach - my family has been going there for over 35 years! My wife and I love it. Plenty of golf too!
What's a fun thing you like to do in the Lynchburg Region? Play golf!
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