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Byrrl Sheppard

Ambassador Spotlight: Byrrl Sheppard

Name: Byrrl Sheppard

Organization and job title: Senior Account Executive - BMS Direct

BMS is full service printing and mailing provider that specializes in transactional mail such as water bills, tax bills, bank statements, medical billing statements, etc.

How many years have you been with your organization?

I started with BMS in July of 2016. This will be my 8th year with BMS.

 What's your favorite part of your job?

Visiting with clients. As a sales rep, my job requires a lot of travel for conferences, industry meetings and client visits. Each of those offer me an opportunity to meet with my clients. And meeting with clients/prospects is something I truly enjoy.

What is your favorite part of being an ambassador?

Networking within my community. There are so many opportunities to meet business leaders in my community. Being an ambassador gives me the opportunity to network within that circle.

How has Alliance membership benefitted your business?

It has certainly brought recognition to BMS Direct and the services we provide. Since becoming a member, we have onboarded several new accounts as a direct result of our membership. Additionally, it has introduced us to vendor partners within our region that we work with to execute projects for our clients.

What is your single best piece of advice to new members, so they can take full advantage of their membership?

Attendance. Being at as many LRBA events as possible can open doors to opportunities you didn't realize were there.

Do you have any advice for someone who is considering becoming an Alliance member?

A business should join the Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance to gain access to valuable networking opportunities, advocacy support, and business resources that drive growth and success. Membership enhances brand visibility and credibility while providing a platform for community engagement and collaboration on regional economic development initiatives. It positions the business as a key player in shaping the future of the Lynchburg region.

Do you have a memorable experience while serving as an ambassador?

I haven't been the role long but overall, each event that I get to attend and the people that meet and add to my network are memorable. But getting the opportunity to hear the Governor speak and meet him, has been the most memorable so far.

What is your favorite quote to live by and why? I am a big believer on taking action rather than sitting around talking about taking action. "How you do anything is how you do everything." - Martha Beck or "Well done is better than well said." - Benjamin Franklin

What is one thing that others wouldn't necessarily know?

I met my wife in a checkout line at Target in 2012... the rest is history!

How else are you involved in the community?

My wife and I are homeschooling parents. This has allowed for us to network within that community here in LYH.

When I'm not at work I like to:

Spend time with my family

Play golf (with my son)



What's your favorite/go to lunch spot and what's your choice of lunch there?

Loving Crisp and their Sea Boy salad - add edamame!

If you had to eat at one restaurant in the Lynchburg region every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Oh man - I don't know as I really don't want to have to do that. I would say LaCarretta hands down.

What is your favorite item you've purchased this year?

The typefolio add-on for my ReMarkable Tablet.

Membership into the Holistic Sales Company

Liberty Football season tickets

What are you reading or listening to right now?


For Leisure - Any and all things Stephen King.

For learning - Atomic Habits (for the third time) LISTENING

For Learning - The Up and Up pod with JC Pollard

For Leisure - the Dan Lebatard pod

Favorite vacay spot and why?

Destin FL White sand, gulf coast, central time zone - it's the beach so...

What's a fun thing you like to do in our region?

Playing golf at all of the fantastic courses in our region, and then maybe finishing the day at one of the many Breweries.


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