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Tim Lee, COO Brewster Consulting

Ambassador Spotlight: Tim Lee

Name: Tim Lee

Organization and job title: Brewster Consulting Group | COO

How many years have you been with your organization? 2

What’s your favorite part of your job? The people I work with are the most important component of any job. Second to that, I love seeing our customers succeed through efforts we’ve partnered with them on.

What is your favorite part of being an ambassador? I love welcoming new people/businesses to the Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance team connecting them to other members and helping them attract new customers.

How has Alliance membership benefitted your business? I’ve made numerous connections through the Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance that I would not have had if I hadn’t joined the regions preeminent business organization.

What is your single best piece of advice to new members, so they can take full advantage of their membership? Participate in the business engagement opportunities.  They are the best place to extend your brand and generate new clients. You’ll get out of it as much as you’re willing to put into it.

Do you have any advice for someone who is considering becoming an Alliance member? As Nike would tell you, Just Do It. Take action and see the results of intentional connection.

Do you have a memorable experience while serving as an ambassador? I’ve only been Ambassador for a short time, but I’d say so far just getting to know the rest of the Ambassador team has been memorable for me.

What is your favorite quote to live by and why? “Every man (woman) I meet is my superior in some way. In that, I learn of him (her).” – Dale Carnegie.

Why? Because it’s important to stay humble in everything. Too many peacock ego’s flying around nowadays. Too many fake people trying to impress others they don’t even know. Be yourself. Be humble. Be authentic.

What is one thing that others wouldn’t necessarily know? I grew up in Africa.

What could you give a presentation on or talk about for hours without any preparation? Investment in people and results that ensue.

How else are you involved in the community? I lead a group at my church, I am an Ambassador for New Covenant Schools, I guest-lecture at Liberty University School of Business, I’m involved in various charities and events around town.

When I’m not at work I like to: Do anything with my wife and 3 daughters.

What’s your favorite/go to lunch spot and what’s your choice of lunch there?

V&T Café – Rueben and chips.

If you had to eat at one restaurant in the Lynchburg region every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? If it was on the Lynchburg Regional Business Alliance’s dime, I’d pick Fleming Mountain Grill.

What is your favorite item you’ve purchased this year?

Fly fishing equipment

What are you reading or listening to right now? 

I do my best to always be reading my Bible daily, and I’m always reading “How to Win Friends and Influence People”. When I finish it, I start it over again.

Favorite vacay spot and why?

Repeat vacay spot – Kiawah Island, SC

New vacay spot – Fall Creek Falls State Park, TN

What’s a fun thing you like to do in our region?

Hiking, hunting, fishing – just about anything “outdoorsy”


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